Executive Meddling: Kyle's, Jesus's and Santa's speeches at the end that basically say "the only way to avoid being mocked is through threats of violence" was censored by overly long, ear-blistering bleeps due to Comedy Central fearing violent retaliations, ironically enough.Its pretty bold in what it says to some extent and may offend some but it is South Park so offending someone is common place for this show. Trey even threatened to quit the show after this. South Park Episode 201 mostly uncensored TV Shows. Creator Backlash: Trey Parker and Matt Stone were not happy about what Comedy Central did to this episode.considering the prophet had appeared in previous South Park episodes as a. Also, the scene where Buddha is depicted snorting cocaine alongside Jesus looking at pornography, showing the Double Standards of parodying religious figures, ironically got the episode and the entire series banned in Sri Lanka. Within the episode's narratives, heavyweights from the president of the Fox. On top of the aforementioned episodes, HBO Max also banned the "Cartoon Wars" two-parter for the same reasons. It has now been several years since South Park aired the 'controversial' episodes '200' and '201'. Netflix, Hulu, HBO Max, the iTunes Store, and the show's official website, and DVD sets in other countries don't even have this episode, nor do they have " 200" and " Super Best Friends" due to the controversy this episode caused. Those shows had previously been removed from a streaming deal with Hulu and also were. It can be seen on the home video releases, but only in its aired, censored form. The episodes not available on HBO Max include season five’s Super Best Friends and season 14’s 200 and 201. Banned Episode: This episode will never be shown on TV again due to the uproar it caused over teasing a visual depiction of Muhammad.